有机燕麦高钙植物奶是100%使用美国农业部USDA蒙大拿州有机组织认证通过的有机燕麦初胚。口感幼滑、香浓可口的有机燕麦高钙植物奶含有高钙质适合一家大小饮用。净重量: 850 克/罐 RM78.00
您还在喝牛奶吗? 研究显示牛奶蛋白质分子较大、不易被消化,可引起过敏反应及自体免疫疾病。而如今,您可透过有机燕麦高钙植物奶,从植物中获得牛奶所提供的营养。燕麦高钙植物奶100%使用美国农业部USDA蒙大拿州有机组织认证通过之有机燕麦初胚。它以蛋白质为主,且含丰富维生素B群、不饱和脂肪酸、人体必需的亚麻油酸及次亚麻油酸、锌、镁等矿物质。选择拥有优良营养特质的植物性蛋白是您迈向健康的最佳选择!
– 亚麻仁籽:
– 卵磷脂:
– 大豆分离蛋白:
– 高蛋白质:
– 高钙质:
– 不含乳糖,适合牛奶过敏者
– 不含胆固醇,极力推荐于动脉硬化,高胆固醇患者
– 不含大豆,适合痛风患者
– 一岁以上儿童及成人皆可食用
– 素食者适用
– 将25克(内附量匙约五平匙)燕麦高钙植物奶,加入150-200毫升温水,搅拌均匀即可食用。
– 可冲泡咖啡、麦片、奶茶、豆浆等饮料
– 可用于烹饪如烤面包、烹调、煮汤及当牛奶替代品
Oaterenergy is made of organic embryo oats certified by USDA & Montana Department of Agriculture; it has the finest texture with all the goodness of oats and high calcium.Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight : 850 g/can RM78.00
Still drinking milk? Research shows dairy protein’s molecule is bigger and not easily digestible can cause allergic reaction. Nowadays, OATerenergy (plant milk) is created to replace daily milk and supply excellent nutrients lead you to healthy life!
OATerenergy is made of organic embryo oats certified by USDA & Montana Department of Agriculture; it has the finest texture with all the goodness of oats and high calcium. It has a light and creamy taste. A substitute of dairy milk with all the goodness of oats & flax seed. Free of lactose, cholesterol & gluten, Low Sugar!
The goodness of OATerenergy:
-Supply plenty of Omega- 3 fatty acids & lignans can help to improve skin health
– Deposit fat, prevent cardiovascular disease.
Isolated soy protein
– contains as high as 88% of protein and its allergy factor and bad smell have been isolated by advanced technology.
High in Protein
– Protein helps build and repair body tissues.
High in Calcium
– Aiding the development of strong bones and teeth
Suitable for:
– Lactose-free, suitable for people who allergic to dairy milk.
– Cholesterol-free, highly recommended in atherosclerosis, high cholesterol patients.
– Does not contain soy, suitable for gout patient.
– adult and children (above one years old)
– Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
Organic Embryo Oat, Lecithin (non-GMO), Isolated Soy Protein (non-GMO), Flax Seed, Flax Seed oil, Oligofructose (FOS).
Serving suggestion
Add 25 g (5 scoops) of OATerenergy into 150-200 ml of warm water. Stir well and ready to serve.
燕麦高钙植物奶 PLUS
燕麦高钙植物奶 PLUS 采用由美国农业部(USDA)有机认证的燕麦。极力推荐于成长迅速中的小孩,孕育妇女及需要额外营养素的老年人。净重量: 850 克/罐 RM78.00
此植物奶是由美国农业部(USDA)有机认证的燕麦,加上有益于脑部成长的omega 3脂肪酸(DHA)及维护眼睛的类胡萝卜素-叶黄素。此配方特别为成长迅速的小孩,孕育妇女及需要额外营养素的老年人而设。
燕麦高钙植物奶 PLUS的好处:
– DHA:萃取于海藻的多元不饱和脂肪酸Omega 3,在婴儿时期的中枢神经系统及视觉功能的发展以及孩童的大脑健康成长扮演着极其重要的角色。DHA此外,补充DHA能协助一些关于脑力衰退的疾病如阿兹海默症和重度失智等。
– 叶黄素:是一种类胡萝卜素,也是天然的色素;常见于深绿色的蔬菜里。它能提供营养素于眼睛及皮肤,也供给抗氧化功能于肌肤,协助抵抗自由基的损坏。
– 一岁以上儿童及成人皆可食用
– 素食者适用
– 成长迅速中的小孩,
– 孕育妇女
– 需要额外营养素的老年人
有机燕麦(美国农业部认证)、 DHA、 叶黄素、卵磷脂、果寡糖
Oaterenergy Plus
This is the enriched non-dairy milk, which is made of USDA certified organic oat with DHA and lutein. It is specially formulated to suit the rapid growing children, maternity and nourishes the elderly.
Legal Disclaimers: This Product is certified halal.Net Weight: 850 g/can RM78.00
This is the enriched non-dairy milk, which is made of USDA certified organic oat, with the brain building fats – DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega 3 fatty acid and lutein, the carotenoid for eyes. It is specially formulated to suit the rapid growing of children, maternity and nourishes the old ages.
The goodness of Oatenergy Plus:
– An omega-3 fatty acid originated from seaweed. It is essential for functioning of our brain as adults and development of nervous system and visual abilities in infants. Supplemental DHA may enhance mental focus and cognitive function, help in mental abnormalities, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
– A carotenoid and a natural colorant found in dark green leafy vegetables. It provides nutritional support to our eyes and skin. Besides, lutein provides supplemental antioxidant capacity to the skin, helps to counteract free radical damage.
Suitable for:
– All vegetarian
– Recommended for cow’s milk allergic patient
– Children
– Maternity
– Old ages
Organic Oat (USDA certified), Soy lecithin, Life’s DHA, lutein, Oligofructose (FOS).
Serving suggestion:
Add 5 spoons (25 g) of Oaterenergy Plus into 150-200 ml of warm water. Stir well and ready to serve.
紫野牛大麦是由美国蒙大拿州进口的有机紫野牛大麦制成。 它含有丰富的钙质和可溶性纤维b-Glucan;每天摄取两次 (60克),即可满足成人一天所需的钙质(1000 毫克)和超过3克的β-葡聚糖,有助于强健骨骼和降低胆固醇。无糖配方的紫野牛大麦适合各年龄成特别是糖尿病患者。
净重量: 850 克/罐 RM89.00
有机紫夜牛大麦(美国蒙大拿州州政府农业部认证),有机燕麦(美国蒙大拿州州政府农业部认证),有机亚麻仁籽(美国蒙大拿州州政府农业部认证),有机亚麻仁籽油(美国蒙大拿州州政府农业部认证),美国SolaeTM ISP大豆分离蛋白(非基因改造),美国SolaeTM 大豆卵磷脂(非基因改造)
Purplenergy is made from organic purple buffalo barley imported from Montana, USA. It contain high calcium and beta-glucan, consume twice Purplenergy (60 g) daily can achieve calcium daily recommendation (1000 mg) to support bone development and reduce cholesterol. This product has the natural sweetish taste derived from grains with no sugar added. It is perfect food for diabetes!
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified halal.
Net Weight: 850 g/can RM 89.00
Purplenergy is an unique kind of whole some grain. It is naturally contains 15 % protein and beta-glucan allowing this to be a high quality and beneficial grain supplement for health conscious individual. Purplenergy contains oats and isolated soy protein. It offers complete amino acids and soy protein, which integrated as a nutritional supplementation, is able to keep us healthy and energetic.
Our organic ingredient are 100 % organically from Montana, U.S.A, No chemical fertilizer and pesticides were used during production. All grains are stored in an organic certified warehouse. We keep high standards for quality control along with transportation and handling the product with care without any sort of contamination.
The goodness of Purple Barley:
-High calcium; consume twice Purplenergy (60 g) daily to achieve calcium daily recommendation (1000mg); help in bone development.
-Consume twice daily (60 g) can get 3 g of beta-glucan help to reduce cholesterol.
-Antioxidant prevents cells damage and protects cells.
-Phytochemicals reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and malignancy tumor.
-PURPLEnergy also contains oats and I.S.P. It offers complete amino acids and soy protein, which integrated as a nutritional supplement, is able to keep people healthy and energetic.
-High fiber
-Contains resistant starch as it will not increase the concentration of blood sugar so it is suitable for diabetes.
-Cholesterol free
Suitable for:
-All age groups
-Highly recommended for the diabetic patients for blood sugar control
-It aids in digestive system. Thus, it is suitable for old ages.
-Those with obesity for weight management
-Menopausal women
Organic Purple Buffalo Barley (certified by Montana Department of Agriculture), Organic Oats (certified by Montana Department of Agriculture), Organic Flax Seeds (certified by Montana Department of Agriculture), Organic flax seeds oil (certified by Montana Department of Agriculture), SolaeTM isolated soy protein (Non-GMO), SolaeTM lecithin (Non-GMO)
Recommended Usage:
Take 30g (5 spoons) per time, two times daily to keep a healthy daily supplement. Purplenergy can mix with any foods.
-Mix and stir 30 g (5 spoons) Purplenergy with 180-230 ml warm water, milk, juice or any beverages.
-Add cereal with Purplenergy or use for baking, add in soup to increase the nutrient content.
Keep in cool and dry place, finish within one month after opening.
甜菜根+红萝卜植物奶经济双包装,更便宜,更实惠~甜菜根+红萝卜植物奶是由甜菜根,胡萝卜, 及燕麦组成的健康饮料;可帮助我们索取足够的营养, 是现代都市人最佳的健康饮料!
– 含有丰富的植化素
– 高蛋白质及高钙质
– 丰富的铁质和膳食纤维的来源
净重量: 450 克 X 2 罐 RM69.00
甜菜根+红萝卜植物奶是含有独特植化素成分的营养饮品。它的燕麦成分富含水溶性纤维(Beta-葡聚糖),有效于降低胆固醇。甜菜根的甜菜碱(betaine)帮助维护心脏健康,而甜菜花青苷(betacyanin)则提供抗氧化保护。集营养于一身的胡萝卜的重要成份-胡萝卜素(Beta carotene) 是另一个有效的抗氧化剂,它能被转化维生素A以满足身体需求。
– 甜菜根的甜菜碱(betaine)有助于维护心脏健康
– 甜菜花青苷(betacyanin)提供抗氧化保护
– 胡萝卜素 (Beta carotene) 是另一个有效的抗氧化剂。它能被转换成维生素A以满足身体的需求。
– 特别推荐于女士们,因为它富含铁质,有利于红血球再生并防止贫血及减少骨质流失。
– 皮肤病患者
– 有利于解决便秘问题
– 一岁以上儿童及成人皆可饮用
Beta-Diet [Set]
Beta-Diet is a healthy beverage made of beetroot, carrot and oat. It helps us to achieve balanced nutrition for us to stay health and fit.
– Remarkably rich on phytochemicals– High protein and calcium
– Rich source of iron and dietary fiber
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 450 g x 2 btl RM69.00
Beta-Diet is a nutritious beverage characterized with its distinctive phyto chemical contents. The oat possesses soluble fibre (Beta-glucan) which helps to lower cholesterol. Beetroot contains betaine and betacyanin that are significant for the maintenance of cardiovascular health and provide antioxidant protection respectively. Carrot which stores a goldmine of nutrients contributes remarkably to the Beta carotene, another strong antioxidant which will be converted into vitamin A to meet body’s need.
The goodness of Beta-Diet:
Beta-Diet contains:
– Beta-glucan: Soluble fiber that helps to lower cholesterol and blood glucose.
– Betaine: Significant for the maintenance of cardiovascular and liver health.
– Betacyanin: It exhibits significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect human cells from oxidative stress.
– Beta carotene: An antioxidant and provitamin A that are essential for normal growth, vision and skin health.
Suitable for:
– Children ( 1 year old and above) and adult
– People with anemia
– People with skin problem
– Who suffer constipation
Organic oat powder (USDA certified), soy protein, lecithin, beetroot, carrot, oligofructse (FOS)
Serving Suggestion:
Add 25 g (5 scoops) of Beta-Diet into 150-200 ml of warm water, then mix well and serve.
十谷麦皇 【套装】
十谷麦皇含有丰富的膳食纤维及β-葡聚糖,可降低胆固醇,调节血压及血糖水平,抵抗各种心脏疾病。此外,十谷麦皇还含有糙米麸能促进良好的消化系统;是不可缺少的营养饮料!净重量: 500 克/包 RM31.80
– 含b-葡聚糖、卵磷脂及大豆,帮助有效降低胆固醇。
– 促进良好的消化管道,加强和调理脾胃。
– 预防动脉硬化及心血管疾病。
– 增强记忆力与认知能力。
– 含维生素B群,维持身体机能运作。
– 优质蛋白质帮助修复受损组织,帮助营养与矿物质的吸收。
– 维持柔润的肌肤及骨骼的健康。
– 帮助调节血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者。
– 含水溶性膳食纤维,帮助治疗便秘。
– 增强免疫系统,抵抗各种疾病。
– 适合各年龄层以改善肤质、消化及免疫系统、骨骼健康
– 素食者适用
– 糖尿病患者
每日1-2 次。建议早上一次(25 克),提供您足够的营养应付日常活动。 晚上临睡前一次(25克),在您睡觉时帮助提升身体功能。
Oat Enrich [Set]
The Best Essence of Oats -the savoir of your heart
Oat Enrich contains beta-glucan, a soluble dietary fiber in oat bran that is not only imparts a rounded, indulgent mouth feel to beverages, but also actively lowers cholesterol, improve heart health and modulates blood sugar levels. It also contain Brown Rice Bran to improve our digestive health. It is something that you can’t afford to miss!
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 500 g/pkt RM31.80
Oat Enrich is both natural and healthy beverage that suits all walks of life. It is rich in dietary fiber and contains beta-glucan which can reduce LDL cholesterol level, lower high blood pressure, regulate blood sugar level and fight against heart disease. It is also especially beneficial in satisfying the feeling of hunger. Meanwhile, this beverage is effective in enhancing memory and cognition and help to protect liver.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, stomach is the root of internal organs in the body. The development of body depends on spleen while nutrition absorption depends on stomach. This beverage allows allows you to obtain all the nutrition in the most effective way by providing you the best solution for a healthy stomach and digestive system.
The goodness of Oat Enrich:
– Contain B-glucan, lecithin and soybean which help to reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
– Improve digestive health, strengthen spleen and stomach.
– Prevent atherosclerosis and heart diseases.
– Enhance memory and cognition.
– Vitamin B complex work in synergy for physical health and mental-being.
– High quality protein which is essential for the repair of tissues and nutrition absorption.
– Maintain youthful skin tone, and support vital skeletal and bone health.
– Regulate blood sugar level, especially important for diabetes patients.
– Rich in soluble dietary fiber. It helps reduce constipation.
– Improve immune system, fight against diseases.
Suitable for:
– Recommended for people who want to improve their digestive system, immune system, skeletal and bone health, to revitalize youthful skin and to enhance general good health.
– Diabetes
– Vegetarians and vegan
Organic embryo oat (USDA certified), soy powder, wheat germ, lecithin, brewer’s yeast, organic brown rice, mung bean, buck wheat, black bean, sun flower seed, quinoa, flax seed, red lentils, pearl powder, tangsheng root, white atractylodes rhizome, poria, chinese yam and fructus amoni.
For best result:
Take 1-2 times per day. Preferably one serving (25 g) in the morning to provide you with the adequate nutrients needed to carry your daily activities. One serving (25 g) before going to bed at night to enhance the performance of your body system while you are sleeping.
Serving Suggestion:
Add 25 g of Oat Enrich into 150-200 ml of warm water. Stir well and ready to serve.
净重量: 850 克/罐 RM49.00
有机燕麦植物奶是由两种有机燕麦制成,一种是来自美国蒙大拿州(USDA认证);另一种是获得澳洲(Australia Quarantine and Inspection Service) 认证的。另外,更添加富含Omega 3脂肪酸的大豆卵磷脂和亚麻籽油。有机天热燕麦植物奶含有丰富的钙质,所以能帮助健壮的骨骼与牙齿成长。此外,它给予您高蛋白质,有效帮助建造和修补身体细胞。他更含有丰富的铁质,制造红血球的重要元素。这些营养含量甚高的饮品对经常处于紧张状态的现代上班族来说,可是一种兼顾健康又不至于发胖的健康食品。
– 燕麦:含有丰富的钙质,能帮助健壮骨骼及牙齿的成长。 此外,它的β-葡聚糖可以降低血中胆固醇,并且可以帮助控制血糖
– 卵磷脂和亚麻仁籽:含多元不饱和脂肪酸Omega 3, 有助于降低患上心血管疾病的机率
– 大豆分离蛋白:含高蛋白质,帮助建造和修复身体的细胞。其异黄酮素成分也能帮助舒缓更年期症状
– 有机燕麦植物奶不含乳糖,零胆固醇,是老少皆宜的营养补充食品
– 适合牛奶过敏患者
– 素食者适用
– 将五匙(25g)有机燕麦植物奶加入一杯 150 毫升的温水中,搅拌均匀即可饮用。
– 可加入玉米片,咖啡或茶作为奶精代替品。
– 制作面包,烹调和煮汤时,可作为牛奶的代替品。
Organic Oat Milk
Organic Oat Milk contain organic embryo oat which is harvest during golden time of oats and follow by low heat extraction technique to sustain valuable bio-active nutrients. Our organic oat milk contains soy protein, soy lecithin, flaxseed and flaxseed oil which are suitable for all ages to stay healthy in their daily life.
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 850 g/can RM49.00
Organic oat milk is made of organic oats, which are certified by USDA. It is:-
– High in Protein: Help build and repair body tissues
– High in Calcium: Aids in the development of strong bones and teeth.
– High Iron: Iron is a factor in red blood cell formation.
– High Magnesium: Promotes calcium absorption and retention.
– Low in Sodium
The goodness of Organic Oat Milk
– Oats: Rich in calcium and iron, aiding the development of strong bones and teeth. Besides, it consists of B-glucan, a soluble fiber which helps to lower total cholesterol and control blood glucose level.
– Lecithin and flaxseed: Supply Omega-3, heart protective components
– Isolated Soy protein: It has high protein, which helps to build and repair body tissues. It also contains isoflavones that help in easing menopausal symptoms.
Suitable for:
– All stage of life (1 years old and above)
– Those with lactose intolerance
– Protein deficiency and cow’s milk allergic patient
– Vegetarian
Organic Embryo Oat, Organic Oat, Isolated Soy Protein (Solaetm), Soy Lecithin (Non-GMO), Flaxseed (Non-GMO), Flaxseed Oil (Non-GMO), Vanilla.
Serving suggestion:
Add 25 g (5 scoops) of Organic Oat Milk into 150-200 ml of warm water. Stir well and ready to serve.
五谷有机燕麦植物奶是由有机燕麦和多种类的天然五谷制成,能帮助各年龄层保持精力充沛及身心健康。此产品属于低GI(升糖指数)产品、零胆固醇及不含乳糖。天然谷物含丰富的营养,其中包括含高膳食纤维、维生素B群(硫胺酸、核黄素、烟酸和叶酸等),维生素A, D, E 和 K ,矿物质(铁、钙、镁等),氨基酸和抗氧化剂。
– 高纤维
– 高钙质
– 高蛋白质
净重量: 800 克/罐 RM48.80
燕麦 :含有β-葡聚糖- 可以降低血中胆固醇,并且可以帮助控制血糖。
糙米 :保存完整的稻米营养,可以刺激肠胃蠕动,帮助消化,促进新陈代谢
荞麦 :帮助降低血脂,增强血管弹性。
小米 :可帮助人体能量代谢,消除疲劳。
薏仁 :可降低血中胆固醇与三酸甘油脂的浓度,有助于刺激肠胃蠕动,促进脂肪代谢。
– 老年人,尤其是便秘患者
– 无添加糖分,适合糖尿病患者
– 成年人及小孩(一岁以上)
– 素食者
5 Grains Oaterenergy
5 Grains Oaterenergy combines all the goodness of various grains with oat which energizes you all day long and keeps you healthy always. It is a beverage with low GI (glycemic index) and free of cholesterol and lactose. Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, C, D, E, and K, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
– High Dietary Fiber
– High calcium
– High Protein
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 800 g/can RM48.80
5 Grains Oaterenergy combines all the goodness of various grains with oat that energizes you all day long and keeps you healthy always. It is a beverage with low GI (glycemic index) and free of cholesterol and lactose. Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, C, D, E, and K, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
The goodness of grains:
Oats: Contains B-glucan that reduces total cholesterol and LDL level and helps to control blood glucose
Coarse rice: Retain the complete nutrients of rice and helps in regulating bowel movement, improve digestion and enhance metabolism.
Buckwheat: Helps to reduce blood cholesterol and increase blood vessels elasticity.
Millet: Aids in energy metabolism and fatigue elimination.
Coicis: Reduce the concentration of blood cholesterol and triglycerides. It also helps to regulate bowel movement and enhance lipid metabolism.
Suitable for:
– The elder especially who having constipation
– No added sugar, suitable for diabetic patient
– Adult and children (above 1 years old)
– Vegetarians and vegans
Organic Oat (USDA Certified), Brown Rice, Soybean, Buckwheat, Wheat, Job’s Tear, Black Bean, Black Sesame, Red Bean, Green Bean, Rice Bean, Flower Bean, Green Pea, Corn, Pine Nut, Gingko, Walnut, Lotus Seed, Creeping Lily-turf, Chinese Yam, Gorgon fruit, Poria, Wolfberry, Lily Bulb, Sorghum (Milo), Oligofructose (FOS).
Serving suggestion:
Two or three times daily, mix 5 scoops (25 g) of 5 Grains Oaterenergy with 150 ml of warm water, still well and serve. Besides, being delicious on cornflakes or cereals, it also an ideal ingredient for baking and cooking purpose. It contains dietary fiber that will naturally settle at the bottom of cup.
螺旋藻燕麦植物奶是采用了100% 纯天然原料及易于消化的营养辅助品。此燕麦奶添加天然螺旋藻,富含蛋白质,维生素B12、铁质、维生素E、胡萝卜素、抗氧化剂、亚麻油酸、叶绿素等;有助于满足您一天的营养需求并提高身体机能活动。此健康饮料适合各年龄层人士享受螺旋藻燕麦植物奶所带来的多种营养及保健功效。
净重量: 850 克/罐 RM48.80
此产品采用100%纯天然原料的营养辅助品,易于消化。 它含有丰富的维生素,矿物质,优质蛋白和必需氨基酸等,是维持健康所需的营养食物。 它有助于增强免疫力,保持皮肤健康,延缓衰老,及达到强身健体的效果。
– β-胡萝卜素:天然的抗氧化剂, 可有效抑制自由基对细胞造成的伤害
– 叶绿素:促进人体消化,中和血液中毒素
– 铁质:可促进骨髓细胞的造血功能
– 维生素B12:素食者最容易缺乏的维生素,红血球形成不可或缺的重要元素
– 素食者
– 乳糖不耐症患者及牛奶过敏者
– 蛋白质缺乏者
– 便秘者
– 各年龄层人士(1岁以上)
有机燕麦(USDA认证),有机豆粉(BCS OKO GRANTIE 认证),薏仁粉, 大豆卵磷脂, 螺旋藻,果寡糖。
每日2至3次,将5 匙(25克)螺旋藻燕麦植物奶加入一杯约150毫升的温水中,搅拌均匀即可饮用。
Spirulina Oat Milk
The Spirulina Oat MilK is a nutritious health food made of 100% natural ingredients and easily digested. Spirulina provide complete protein, vitamin B12, iron, vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Antioxidant, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), Chlorophyll and etc. It helps to fulfill your daily nutritional need and improve your body metabolism.
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 850 g/can RM48.80
This is a nutritious health food made from 100% natural ingredients and is easily digested. It is enriched with vitamins, minerals, complete protein and essential amino acids, which are important for growth. It helps to strengthen the immune system, promote healthy and vibrant skin, slow aging and regulate body function.
It is:
– High in dietary fiber: reduce constipation problem
– Source of protein: help build and repair body tissues, essential for growth and development.
– Source of calcium: aid in the development of strong bone and teeth.
– Low in sodium
The goodness of Spirulina Oat Milk
– Beta carotene: Enhance antioxidant protection and good for healthy eyes and vision
– Chlorophyll: Cleanse the bowel and other body systems, such as liver and blood
– Iron: A factor in red blood cell formation
– Vitamin B12: An excellent nutrient for the vegetarian diet for goodness of nerves and tissues.
Suitable for:
– All stage of life (1 years old and above)
– Those with lactose intolerance
– Protein deficiency and cow’s milk allergic patient
– Vegetarian
– Who suffer from constipation
Organic oat powder (USDA certified), organic soybean powder (BCS OKO Grantie certified), barley powder, soy lecithin, spirulina, oligofructose (FOS).
Serving Suggestion:
Add 25 g (5 scoops) of Spirulina Oat milk into 150-200 ml of warm water. Stir well and ready to serve.
净重量: 420 克/包 RM27.90
Black Sesame Powder
Our black sesame powder is produced from pure black sesame and roasted in low temperature to maintain it nutrients. This product is 100 % natural; no added artificial colouring, flavor, and preservatives. This product contain NO SUGAR and NO CHOLESTEROL.
Legal Disclaimers: This product is certified Halal.
Net Weight: 420 g/pkt RM27.90
Different from the ordinary sweetened black sesame powder in the market, this product is produced from the high quality black sesame without addition of sugar. It is popular for its nutrition and rich texture to baked goods, cereals, sauces and casseroles. It is high in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. It has a strong aroma, which makes it a popular ingredient used to add an attractive accent to food, enjoyable at all ages especially for those who concern about health as a snack anytime.
The goodness of Black Sesame Powder: For Healthy Skin
-The high content of zinc can help to produce collagen, giving skin more elasticity and help repair damaged body tissues.
For Hair Benefits
-Oil in black sesame contain full of the nutrients needed for a healthy scalp and hair.
Reduce Blood Pressure
-Sesame seeds are full of magnesium- a key nutrient known to help lower blood pressure.
Lowers Cholesterol
-Black sesame seeds are high in phytosterols that block cholesterol production.
Good for digestion
-the high fiber content of sesame seeds helps the intestines with elimination.
Suitable for:
– All age groups
– Vegetarian
– Someone who concern about hair and skin beauty
– The elder
Black sesame powder
Serving suggestion:
Add 1 tablespoon into oat milk, soy milk, and other suitable beverages, dishes such as rice, porridge. It can be used for baked good or making black sesame jelly.
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